Visual Faith® Ministry is committed to providing resources for all ages that will bless and benefit spiritual formation. We offer our Visual Church Year (VCY) - Children’s Bulletins and Sermon Notes to be used during Sunday Worship. The images and space provided are meant to help with focus and paying attention, acknowledging the visual/kinesthetic learning styles of so many, in order that the message might be remembered to talk about and share with others. We bring our children along to teach them the importance of regular worship, so they can learn to listen, praise, and pray. Worship Into the Week (W2W) will assist you with taking what you learned during Sunday’s worship throughout the rest of your week!
VFM has also enhanced our outreach to congregations with extensive materials designed for Lent and Advent. These can be valuable resources for telling the age-old story of the work of our Savior, Jesus Christ. All materials that carry a fee have a special price for congregations and they are affordable for all congregations.
Visual Church Year
New resources are released each month following the 3-year lectionary. Resources can be downloaded for FREE. However, a VCY Subscription (Children's Bulletins & Sermon Note Sheets emailed directly to you each month) is also available for $60/year.
In addition to the Children’s Bulletins and Sermon Notes we also make the artwork that is used in these resources available as separate files that can be downloaded and used during other times of Bible study, Sunday school, VBS, for events, and more!

Worship Into the Week
A new Worship Into the Week Kit is released each month and corresponds to the 3-year lectionary that the Visual Church Year follows. Worship into the Week (W2W) is $5 per month or an annual subscription (emailed directly to your inbox) for $60.

Worship into the Week Examples The resources follow the 3 Year Lectionary.
Do you forget the sermon/message right after you leave church? We all suffer from spiritual amnesia. Great video that explains what "Worship into the Week" is as a visual faith practice! Jamee Thieme, VFM Coach, explains how this practice gives her the opportunity to continue to reflect on the message/sermon from church!
Want a glimpse into Connie's Worship into the Week Journal?

Advent Series
I AM Here! - New 2024 Advent Series
As each year draws to a close, we turn our hearts toward pondering the advent of the promised Messiah, as He arrived in the manger and as He will arrive in glorious majesty at the end of time. I AM Here will support your meditative journey by focusing on the four words traditionally associated with the four candles around the Advent wreath, as well as the center I AM HERE candle: Jesus Christ, The Light of the World. You are invited to contemplate the Hope, Love, Joy, Peace, and Light that are given to us through our faith in the Innocent Baby who came to save us all.
"I AM Here" Advent by Candlelight Resource
This packet includes the script, slides, and project options for executing an Advent by Candlelight event for your family, your neighborhood, or your congregation. The planning guide, supply list, project templates, and suggested hymns/carols are intended to support the success of your Advent event and maintain focus on Jesus, our Savior and King.
I AM Here - Scripture Scribing Devotional Guide engages the Visual Faith® practice of Scripture Scribing to take you through the Advent season. There is a daily set of Bible verses and commentary for each week of Advent. I AM Here will support your meditative journey by focusing on the four words traditionally associated with the four candles around the Advent wreath, as well as the center I AM HERE candle: Jesus Christ, The Light of the World. You are encouraged to scribe at least the highlighted verse each day and spend time in quiet reflection (even if it's just a few minutes per day), setting aside all of the distractions that so quickly drag us away from time with the Lord.
This is an 8.5x11 pdf file that you can print at home (back to back and fold into a booklet)
I AM Here - Scripture Scribing Devotional Guide
Available as a Spiral-Bound Printed Journal for $15 from our Bookstore! Click here!
Each of these resources AND MORE! Are available for this Advent season. Visit our Advent/Christmas Collection in the Shoppe!

I AM ... Summer Bible Study Series
This I AM ... Bible Study is also available as a spiral-bound printed version found in our bookstore.
This digital version is an 8.5x11 pdf file. Which you can print on your home printer. (Your printer will need to be able to print 2 sided.)
These beautiful images, backgrounds, and verse-art pieces were designed as a companion to the Visual Faith Ministry SUMMER OF I AM Bible study. Simply print the page(s) you wish to use onto copy paper, opaque full-sheet sticker paper, or full-sheet transparent sticker paper. In addition to embellishing your I AM Bible study, these elements could be added to the pages of your Common Book, Everyday Practices Book, or Gifts of Joy Journal. They could also be used to enhance your Bible journaling, devotional journaling, card-making, and mixed media projects.
Visual Faith Ministry is eager to partner with you, your family, and your congregation in digging deeply into the I AM Names of Jesus. This series of eight stand-alone lessons, written by Carolyn Bira, serves as the very heart of VFM’s 2024 yearlong theme: Names of Jesus. Join us this summer for stand-alone studies! Sign up once and you will have the link for the whole summer! These studies will NOT BE RECORDED, but if you miss one, you can still come to the next! Sign-up Here:
To learn more about this series view the Preview and Prep video!
In this packet, you will find companion materials for VFM’s I AM ... Bible Study; these eight units are each centered on a different I AM statement of Jesus. Each unit includes learning activities for all ages, prayer suggestions, devotional thoughts, Scripture scribing prompts, and Bible-based puzzles. May this resource support your family as you dig deeper into the I AM Names of Jesus!

Lenten Resources
This is a digital flipbook. We also have a printable version in the shoppe and a spiral-bound printed version available for purchase in our VFM Bookstore.
Observe the season of Lent by engaging with this lovely devotional pathway created by Carla Kramer. Based on John 14:6, this pathway offers 40 spaces in which to chronicle devotional take-aways from the daily readings from John’s Gospel. Use this template for prayer spaces or pair with A Lenten Meditation Journey: A Walk Through the Book of John (Chapters 12-21) available as a downloadable booklet pdf file and digital flip book in our Shoppe, or as a spiral-bound printed booklet for purchase via our VFM Bookstore.
"A Lenten Meditation Journey - A Walk Through the Book of John"
Engage with the beautiful tangles and writing of Carla Kramer as you journey through the forty days of Lent, with the Gospel of John (Chapters 12-21) as backdrop. Reflection/Discussion questions support each daily devotional. Five VFM practices are embedded in this Lenten journey.
Learn more by viewing our Preview & Prep video and hear from the Author of Carla Kramer about this amazing resource!