As Christians, we all know we're supposed to spend time in prayer and reading our Bibles, right? But while that sounds really easy, practical experience teaches us that just doing it isn’t so easy. There always seems to be something else to do, like watch another show in our current binge, or clean out the refrigerator, or walk the dog – again. Carving out that time to just be present with God can seem elusive.
Visual Faith brought a retreat experience into your lives last March called Abide. It was a 1-day experience where you watched the videos, responded with a downloadable workbook, and then it was over. Hopefully you walked away with some new skills and ideas for your own devotional life. The Movable Adventure is different. This is a whole new approach to online learning. This time, you won’t have to dedicate a whole weekend to video watching. This time, you are in the driver’s seat.
If you’ve been looking at the information for this experience, you might be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of material. Don’t let that stop you. Remember, you’re in the driver’s seat. You get to decide which videos you want to watch and when to watch them. You can even view them over and over (and some of them are truly worth seeing multiple times). You can start wherever you want and follow the Lord's leading through the lessons at a speed that works for you. There’s also The Movable Adventure Journal available for download as a PDF or you can purchase it from Amazon.
Here’s an added bonus: if you are in any position of leadership in terms of small group Bible studies in your church or your own home, The Movable Adventure is a tremendous resource. You are being handed 47 videos and accompanying Bible Study material. You won’t have to plan a lesson for at least a year for your group.
So, which pathway for spiritual transformation seems the most interesting to you? Where could your faith walk need a boost? Visit the Movable Adventure page today and check out how this different experience might be perfect for you.