3. A process or course likened to traveling, such as a series of trying experiences; a passage.
(From The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition)

Today. Come with me on a Lenten journey. It’s not too late to start the process of traveling
through Lent—the days that we’re now walking through on a spiritual journey of preparing our
hearts for a deep appreciation of Jesus’ death and resurrection. During this time many of us
watch the dead and dreary weather of winter pass, and open our eyes to a time of spring—where the earth is renewed and God’s creation sprouts forth.
Our Lenten journey is much the same. We begin with a somber and reflective time of contemplation, prayer and study that will take us through God’s promise of Salvation. From our plea, "O Lord have mercy!” to Jesus’ cries on the cross and final words, “It is finished,” we keep our eyes always on the resurrection promise:
Hell is conquered.
The tomb is empty.
We are forgiven.
The Good News that The Kingdom of God has come in Jesus, and through Him, all creation is being restored.
Now, that’s a journey to be a part of. Won’t you join me today? It’s not too late.
Dionne Lovstad-Jones
Visual Faith® Ministry Coach
I loved that you defined the word journey as a process, a series of experiences. Our Visual Faith practices are always a process that we use to enhance our relationship to God, there is no timeframe on that.