The Story ... beginnings
Most of my life has been framed by interaction with God's Word in Bible Study. In fact, that is the title often used when people gather together to learn more about this sacred text.
About ten years ago, I began to learn a bit about reading God's Word with a different focus. This does not make the first one wrong, it simply has a different focus and process. The informational process works with facts, history, cross-references, and all the things brought together in our efforts to master the text. The formational process might focus on reading and rereading the text within the context of :
What phrase stands out to me in this reading?
How can a lesson here be applied to my life right now?
What is the Holy Spirit helping me to see in this reading?​
About 19 years ago, I began to take my own Bible for worship, rather than using the one provided in the pew. It was the place for sermon notes, prayer thoughts, and tracking what was happening "in my real life." I need the cognitive "head knowledge" approach in the study of God's Word. I also need the contemplative, meditative approach for God's Word to change my heart. As I have learned more about Bible marginalia, the mantra remains- it is the heart process that is the primary focus. As the margins fill this becomes a "visual faith” reminder of His grace.
— Connie Denninger

In the fall of 2014, I stumbled across Illustrated Faith on Instagram. A whole world opened up as I realized there were “others” who also processed in their own Bibles this way. It finally made sense and it even had a proper name - Bible Marginalia. I began to explore the resources and moved with boldness with my first Journaling Bible. This story and resource was something I had to share with everyone, but I still needed an “official endorsement”.
Connie Denninger's Bible

"Rev. John Saleska, whom God adopted as his own beloved child at his Baptism, now rests with Jesus. John and his faithful wife of 63 years Sallie, had 4 children, 13 grandchildren, and 12 great-grandchildren! He taught the Scriptures to countless people—the calling he loved the most. He will be remembered for his unbelievable ability to memorize and recite passages of Scripture."
Adapted from info from the Saleska family. Photo credit to - Jeffrey Phelps.

The Bible of Rev. John Saleska - photo credit - the Saleska Family
His Bible tells the STORY of a lifetime of BEING PRESENT in God's Word.
This King James Version Bible of Dr. Saleska was a gift from his father in 1949 when he graduated from St. Paul's Jr. College in Concordia, Missouri.
This is the photo that I saw in a church publication right when I first heard about Bible Journaling. A man with his well-loved Bible, full of notes in the margins and highlighted passages everywhere. His well-loved and well-used Bible shows a long history of Bible Journaling! This is the photo that "gave me permission" to explore more things about Bible Journaling and for that, I am forever grateful. The journey continued as others were gathered and blessed with the many practices of connecting with visual faith tools. In the fall of 2017 - Visual Faith® Ministry was Co-Founded with Patricia Maier.