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VFM Bookstore

Welcome to the VFM Bookstore! We heard your requests and have responded with our new printed spiral/coil bound book/journal. Each of our books/journals will be spiral-bound. Books come with a color cover as seen below. Some are designed with black and white insides for you to add your own colors and some have complete color insides. Be sure to order the correct version for your needs.  

NOTE: ALL BOOKS WILL HAVE A "COIL/SPIRAL" BINDING (even though the picture on the Lulu site that is our publisher looks like a regular book binding).


The Prayerful Life
Cultivating a Life of Prayer Workbook

How do I model prayer for my family? How do I structure my personal prayer life? This workbook supports the practice of praying Scripture for yourself and others. Includes 31 prayer frameworks - one for each day of the month. Intended to be used for family devotions, home-learning curriculum, and personal devotions.

This is an 8.5x11 spiral-bound color cover with black and white insides.


From Lament to Praise: Discovering Psalm 22
Lenten Devotional Guide

This Lenten devotional provides an in-depth meditation on Psalm 22, with accompanying commentaries, practices, and reflections. Brand-new artwork, an extensive appendix of resources, and a 40-space Lenten devotional pathway are embedded in this booklet. Ideal for individual, family, and congregational use.

This version is a 5.5x8.5 spiral-bound color cover with black and white insides.


Common Book - A Year in the Psalms

This resource is all-encompassing for a variety of practices, A Year in the Psalms theme resources, as well as blank spaces for personalization.


  • Devotional journaling calendars

  • Daily gratitudes/counting gifts

  • Prayer spaces

  • Blank pages for Logos365 observations, Worship into the Week, or themed devotions

This Common Book also includes weekly practices that will support your study of the Year in the Psalms throughout 2025 including:

  • Verse mapping

  • Scripture Scribing

  • Word study

  • Space for sermon sketchnotesareas for personal reflection, inspiration, and more!

This year we are offering this as an 8.5x11 coil/spiral-bound color cover offered in color and black and white and 80lb smooth or 60lb regular paper depending on selection. We are also offering it in a FULL Year ($40) and in HALF Year ($25 each) options January-June (J-J) and July-December (J-D).​



Everyday Practices: Documenting Your Faith Walk

As you can see, it has many of the features of the Gifts of Joy journal, but a few more practices and space to be used as you need it! Designed to complement the Year in the Psalms Theme.
udes VFM’s traditional monthly devotional practices:

  • Devotional journaling calendars

  • Daily gratitudes/counting gifts

  • Prayer spaces

  • Dot Journal pages

  • Blank pages (Could be used for Worship into the Week, Scripture Scribing, and Logos365)

These are an 8.5x11 coil/spiral-bound color cover with color insides.

Available in 2 different covers and on 80lb smoother paper or 60lb regular paper.


Gifts of Joy Journal

Commit to rejoicing, praying, and thanking as intentional daily practices by creating a Gifts of Joy Journal. The Gifts of Joy project supports a year-long faith-filled commitment to journeying with Jesus by incorporating these devotional practices.

  • 12 Monthly gifts/gratitude pages

  • 12 Monthly prayer page templates

  • 12 Monthly calendars (undated) for devotional journaling

  • 12 Blank pages for journaling, Bible study, worship notes, etc.

This version is a 8.5x11 coil/spiral-bound color cover with black and white insides.


Available in 3 different Covers!!


New Cover


Logos365 Workbook
The Logos365 Workbook is designed to add visual elements to your year-long journey with an inspired word. For each month of the year, you will find three pages of prompts, activity suggestions, and spaces in which to document your engagement in devotional practices, prayer, Bible study, worship, and creative expression.

This workbook is available as an 8.5x11 spiral-bound color cover with color insides.  Or a Black and White version


I AM Here - Advent Scripture Scribing Devotional Guide
As each year draws to a close, we turn our hearts toward pondering the advent of the promised Messiah, as He arrived in the manger and as He will arrive in glorious majesty at the end of time. I AM Here will support your meditative journey by focusing on the four words traditionally associated with the four candles around the Advent wreath, as well as the center I AM HERE candle: Jesus Christ, The Light of the World. You are invited to contemplate the Hope, Love, Joy, Peace, and Light that are given to us through our faith in the Innocent Baby who came to save us all.

This version is a 5.5x8.5 spiral-bound color cover with black and white insides.


Common Book - Names of Jesus Color Insides

This resource is all-encompassing for a variety of practices, Names of Jesus theme resources, as well as blank spaces for personalization.


  • Devotional journaling calendars

  • Daily gratitudes/counting gifts

  • Prayer spaces

  • Blank pages for Logos365 observations, Worship into the Week, or themed devotions

This Common Book also includes weekly practices that will support your study of the Names of Jesus throughout 2024 including:

  • Verse mapping

  • Scripture Scribing

  • Word study

  • Space for sermon sketchnotesareas for personal reflection, inspiration, and more!

This version is an 8.5x11 coil/spiral-bound color cover with color insides.


It is available in 6 different covers!!



Common Book - Names of Jesus Black and White Insides

This resource is all-encompassing for a variety of practices, Names of Jesus theme resources, as well as blank spaces for personalization.


  • Devotional journaling calendars

  • Daily gratitudes/counting gifts

  • Prayer spaces

  • Blank pages for Logos365 observations, Worship into the Week, or themed devotions

This Common Book also includes weekly practices that will support your study of the Names of Jesus throughout 2024 including:

  • Verse mapping

  • Scripture Scribing

  • Word study

  • Space for sermon sketchnotesareas for personal reflection, inspiration, and more!

This version is an 8.5x11 coil/spiral-bound color cover with black and white insides.


It is available in 6 different covers!!



Everyday Practices: Documenting Your Faith Walk

As you can see, it has many of the features of the Gifts of Joy journal, but a few more practices and space to be used as you need it! Designed to complement the Names of Jesus Theme.
udes VFM’s traditional monthly devotional practices:

  • Devotional journaling calendars

  • Daily gratitudes/counting gifts

  • Prayer spaces

  • Blank pages (Could be used for Worship into the Week, Scripture Scribing, and Logos365)

This version is a 8.5x11 coil/spiral-bound color cover with color insides.


I AM ... Bible Study
The I AM statements of Jesus found in the Book of John have been the subject of countless studies, books, and sermons. There are good reasons for all of that attention. Those I AM statements from Jesus help us understand who He is in our lives as individuals who stand before an Almighty God. This study seeks to bring those truths, told to us by our Savior in His own voice, into our lives as Christ-follower; disciples of the Living God. This Bible study includes many opportunities to study VFM practices.

This version is a 5.5x8.5 spiral-bound color cover with color insides.


A Lenten Meditation Journey: A Walk Through the Book of John
(Chapters 12-21) - Drawing close to Jesus

Throughout the centuries, the season of Lent has been held as a sojourn with our Savior. Beginning on Ash Wednesday and continuing for the next six weeks, you are encouraged to daily hand-write a passage from the Passion Story and interact with its connected artwork. You’ll also find daily discussion questions to prompt family conversations and devotional journaling.

This version is a 5.5x8.5 spiral-bound color cover with black and white insides.


Scripture Scribing Journal: Names of Jesus
At your fingertips each month, you will find the four themed Names of Jesus passages and their associated commentaries, with ample space to record God’s Word in your own handwriting. If desired, you can add faith-art to your pages by incorporating elements from the monthly VFM Ephemera Treasures Collection kit or from your own fodder resources. Whether you’re a seasoned scriber or a first-time scriber, you are encouraged to record God’s Word on the pages of VFM’s Names of Jesus Scripture Scribing Journal!

This version is a 5.5x8.5 spiral-bound color cover with black and white insides.


Redemption Foretold - Scripture Scribing Devotional Guide - BW
The Redemption Foretold: Scripture Scribing Devotional Guide engages the Visual Faith® practice of Scripture Scribing to take you through the Advent season. There is a daily set of Bible verses and commentary for each of the 23 days of Advent; each set features an Old Testament prophecy and a New Testament fulfillment of that prophecy. You are encouraged to scribe at least the highlighted verse each day and spend time of quiet reflection (even if it's just a few minutes per day), setting aside all of the distractions that so quickly drag us away from time with the Lord.

This version is a 5.5x8.5 spiral-bound color cover with black and white insides.

Redemption Foretold - Scripture Scribing Devotional Guide - Color
The Redemption Foretold: Scripture Scribing Devotional Guide engages the Visual Faith® practice of Scripture Scribing to take you through the Advent season. There is a daily set of Bible verses and commentary for each of the 23 days of Advent; each set features an Old Testament prophecy and a New Testament fulfillment of that prophecy. You are encouraged to scribe at least the highlighted verse each day and spend time of quiet reflection (even if it's just a few minutes per day), setting aside all of the distractions that so quickly drag us away from time with the Lord.

This version is a 5.5x8.5 spiral-bound color cover with color insides.


God Promised! Jesus Arrives! - BW
Enjoy Visual Faith® Ministry’s new graphic novel in this black and white version which allows for personal coloring. The Christmas story is taken from the Gospel of Matthew and Luke and is illustrated by Katie Helmreich. This resource is designed to enhance family devotions during the Advent season. It is also an ideal complement to seasonal curriculum used in Sunday School, preschool, and midweek classes, as well as adding a visual component to Advent services and children’s sermons.

This version is a 7x10 spiral-bound color cover with black and white insides which are great for the kids to color themselves!

God Promised! Jesus Arrives! - Color
Enjoy Visual Faith® Ministry’s new graphic novel in a water-colored version. The Christmas story is taken from the Gospel of Matthew and Luke and is illustrated by Katie Helmreich. This resource is designed to enhance family devotions during the Advent season. It is also an ideal complement to seasonal curriculum used in Sunday School, preschool, and midweek classes, as well as adding a visual component to Advent services and children’s sermons.

This version is a 7x10 spiral-bound color cover with color insides - a beautiful watercolor finished book!


Confirmation Journal by Rev. CJ Ransdell
The Confirmation Journal takes you through Luther's Small Catechism. Each chapter provides opportunity for reflection and discussion on the Catechism and Scripture. The journal also makes use of visual faith elements.

This version is a 6x9 spiral-bound color cover with b/w insides.


The God of Change: Moses' Journey of Transformation

The God who Never changes – Changes US!


Found throughout the Bible are stories of lives changed by God. This study embraces the transformed life of the patriarch, Moses. Beginning with a study about God’s call to transformation found in Romans 12:1-2, this companion Bible Study for Visual Faith® Ministry’s Movable Adventure provides 20 lessons that will draw you deeply into the Word of God. While Moses serves as our role model, the goal is that we experience transformation of our own lives.


Inside of these 148 pages, you will find: - Twenty Lessons divided into four Units. - Numerous links to videos that will support your learning. - Visual Faith exercises and practices that will enhance your study experience and perhaps create new spiritual habits. - An additional Unit called Lingering Over His Word contains several mixed media projects designed to help you internalize what you are learning, with how-to videos to help you along. - Sketchnotes that will inspire you to try that learning tool for yourself. This Bible Study, designed to be done with a small group, a class, or individually will bring spiritual challenge into your daily walk with the Lord. You will find support, encouragement, and a deepening of your own prayer life and Biblical understanding. 


This version is a 8.5x11 spiral-bound color cover with black and white insides.

The Movable Adventure Journal: A Visual Faith Companion to the Online Experience

Visual Faith® Ministry has gathered encouraging stories of transformation from 39 people who share their journey with Jesus in 40+ videos, gathered together in one online discipleship experience. The supporting materials captured in The Movable Adventure Journal reflect the four pathways for exploring spiritual transformation covered in the online experience.

â‘  The Personal Pathway

â‘¡ The Households of Faith Pathway

â‘¢ The Community Discipleship Pathway

â‘£ The Digital Pathway


The Movable Adventure Journal was created to help you discover your growing faith journey.  For more information visit:

This version is a 8.5x11 spiral-bound color cover with black and white insides.


Books by Justin Rossow 
Illustrations by Visual Faith Artists

Light in the Darkness_Rossow.jpg

Available on Amazon

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