Bible Studies
Visual Faith® Ministry has several studies to choose from, designed to accommodate personal or group study. Our most extensive study is The Word Speaks: The God of Change, which involves several videos and a textbook, is available as a digital download or spiral-bound printed book from our VFM Bookstore via LULU.
One of the most impactful albeit short books of the Bible is Paul's letter to the Colossians. Inside of these 95 verses, we find hope, peace, encouragement, and the truth of our salvation in Jesus Christ. There are 6 lessons in this series, each designed to spark your imagination and deepen your faith. While each lesson can stand alone, they will lend easily to 6 sessions that build one upon the others. Each lesson has Christ at the center, as He is our light and life.
The God Who Never Changes – Changes US! Found throughout the Bible are stories of lives changed by God. This study embraces the transformed life of the patriarch, Moses. Beginning with a study about God’s call to transformation found in Romans 12:1-2, this companion Bible Study for Visual Faith® Ministry’s Movable Adventure provides 20 lessons that will draw you deeply into the Word of God. While Moses serves as our role model, the goal is that we experience transformation of our own lives. This Bible study is available as a printed book from our new publisher if you want to purchase it. Click here.
“Why Visual Faith?" is a set of four brief Bible studies written by Carolyn Bira are the doorway into the Spiritual Foundation of Visual Faith.
Scripture Scribing is the practice of copying out a Bible verse or a passage in your own handwriting. This daily practice slows us down, positions us to interact with the details of The Word, and often reveals nuances in even the most familiar of verses. The process of scribing allows the scribe to ponder new insights, to pray, and to examine questions prompted during the process, and to receive God's gift of peace that passes all understanding. People who faithfully scribe Scripture would attest that this practice is foundational to their daily devotional time.
We offer 12 Names of God Scripture Scribing Packets that each contain 12 passages. These are paired with a short devotional or commentary to spark some curiosity about the passage as well surface as your questions. We also have our Proverbs Project - 52 Weeks of Wisdom (one Proverb for each week of the year). We also have some scribing index cards you can download to create a Scripture Scribing project. We also have a Names of Jesus Full Year Packet offered in the Shoppe as a Free Download, in our VFM Bookstore as a printed spiral bound book, and also as part of our Common Book.
The Scripture Scribing practice was launched September 27, 2022. Watch the video of the zoom launch event, try your hand at scripture scribing, and hear three tips for beginning scripture scribing!
This interview video with Carolyn Bira and Jenny Long answers all your questions, and helps you get started!
These index cards are a great way to scribe your text each month!

Scripture Scribing Journal: Names of Jesus
At your fingertips each month, you will find the four themed Names of Jesus passages and their associated commentaries, with ample space to record God’s Word in your own handwriting. If desired, you can add faith-art to your pages by incorporating elements from the monthly VFM Ephemera Treasures Collection kit or from your own fodder resources. Whether you’re a seasoned scriber or a first-time scriber, you are encouraged to record God’s Word on the pages of VFM’s Names of Jesus Scripture Scribing Journal!
These readings are also found in our new Common Book. If you are only interested in the Scripture Scribing Practice this is the resource for you!
It is also available as a FREE download in our Shoppe here.