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The Bible is God’s inspired Word – a message full of grace and love to you. Think of your Bible as your invitation to respond with love, gratitude, praise, or devotion. Bible journaling is the prayerful practice of pausing to reflect on a verse or section of Scripture, a devotion, or sermon notes to consider:

  • What is God asking, promising, teaching?

  • How does it relate to my life right now?

  • What do I want to remember?

  • What are my “marching orders”?

Where do you begin? You have a choice - do you want to create your own faithart in a bible or do you want guides that you can color?  Once you choose, you then have to pick what kind of Journaling Bible you want to work in. There are many Bibles available from interleave (blank page in between each page), single or double column journaling Bible, large print or regular and what version.  If you want a guide to color, we recommend the "The Enduring Word" Bible, illustrated by Visual Faith® artists, available from Concordia Publishing House.  

VFM has hundreds of images that were created that focus on individual scriptures verses or small portions of Scripture. The images of our Scripture Graphics / VCY Half Sheets / Church Graphics (for various times of the church year) may be added to your journals or Bible and used to create tag projects, prayer cards, and more! They are JPG/PNG/TIFF files that can be downloaded and inserted into a word document, sized to your specific needs, and printed for ministry use.

Bible Margins/Bookmarks

A simple beginning to Bible Journaling is to use VFM printed Bible Margins. There are over 600 Bible Margins in the Shoppe. Choose a margin by verse (searchable in the Shoppe), download, print, color if you desire (watercolors, markers, colored pencils, etc) and glue into your Bible. Most of our margins come 5 to a page, so you can share with your small group, Sunday school, or children.

Bible margin printed, traced in and colored! John 20:18 margin by Katie Helmreich

Pat Maier Margins (2).heic

You can download, print, color, and add as a tip in. John 1:43 margin by Pat Maier

This margin was use as an inspiration and expanded onto the full page. Mark 1:17 margin  by Emily Adams. 

Bible Journaling by Connie Denninger, using Worship into the Week in her margin.  

Margin Bible Journaling extended over the entire page using the Names of God El Shaddai Treasures Kit by Sierra Burden.

Margin Bible Journaling extended over the entire page using the Way to Life Treasures Kit by Sierra Burden.

Want to learn how to do your own creative Lettering? Pat Maier, Co-Founder of VFM, gave a presentation on Lettering. This event was recorded and includes a 16 page download! 

Margin Bible Journaling using VFM Margins, by Connie Denninger

Scripture Graphics

VFM has hundreds of images that were created that focus on individual scriptures verses or small portions of Scripture.  The images of our  Scripture Graphics / Visual Church Year (VCY) Half Sheets/ Church Graphics (for various times of the church year) may be added to your journals or Bible and used to create tag projects, prayer cards, and more! They are JPG/PNG/TIFF files that can be downloaded and inserted into a word document, sized to your specific needs, and printed for ministry use.

Full page Bible Journaling Matthew 4:10 graphic by Sally Beck designed by Diane Marra. 

Tracing a Half Sheet Image Psalm 51:10 by Pat Maier

Full page Bible Journaling, Romans 15:12 VCY half sheet graphic by Katie Helmreich, designed by Diane Marra. 

Full Page Bible Journaling Joel 2:12 graphic by Sally Beck,  designed by Diane Marra

Bible Journaling By Verse Kits (BJBV)

VFM also offers “Bible Journaling Kits”! These kits have everything you need to create and respond to a specific scripture verse, and they show you how to use the provided artwork to create a margin or full page in your Bible.

Bible Journaling Kit by the Verse, Denise Miller Creative Director VFM and her grandchildren

Bible Journaling Kits from Names of God, Jehovah Shalom, designed by Diane Marra.

Bible Journaling Kits from Names of God, Yahweh, designed by Diane Marra.


Bible Journaling by Verse Kit - Names of Jesus -  Angel of the Lord


Bible Journaling Kit Verse - 5+2>5000

Full Page Bible Journaling

Full page Bible journaling using the Names of God Jehovah Shalom Treasures kit by Denise Miller. 

Bible Journaling with Sally Beck Pentecost graphics, and Acts 2:26 Sermon Notes Margin. 

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Full page Bible journaling by Denise Miller. Create a background, then type a set of Bible verses and add. 

Full page Bible journaling using Scripture Graphics by Sally Beck, created by Denise Miller. 

To discover the “heart” of Bible journaling, VFM recommends reading Writing in the Margins by Lisa Hickman. She talks about people who simply marked in their Bibles or wrote in the margins. 


There are experiential prompts at the end of each chapter, and the book is suitable for group study. Lisa encourages us to view the blank spaces around the biblical text as: “a life-giving, chaos-breaking, transforming, creative conversation between you and the eternal God.”

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