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The gathering of God's people around His Word is an ancient practice that stretches back to the Church’s formation. Through the centuries, these gatherings have involved millions of Christians. In our monthly event, Around the Word (formerly Day of Prayer), we join the throng. This practice calls us to surrender our own voice for a time and listen to God through His Word. We’re seeking God’s face, as He tells us to do. As we listen, we make note of the lessons learned.


While we do this deep dive into a few verses at a time,  we are not adding to God’s Word or expecting Him to say something He hasn’t already revealed in His Word, but instead allowing His Word to move us to give God our full attention - as much as we are able - setting aside the distractions that assail us all day long. Around the Word builds a path that moves us to close our mouth and open our heart.


During our monthly gatherings via Zoom, we select one passage and dive deep by reading it four times, taking time between the readings to reflect and respond. Much of the time is spent in silence as we ponder, meditate, and listen. We have several Visual Faith® prayer space tools that we employ in those times of silence. There is also time given to sharing our thoughts and learning with one another. This practice is easily done alone or with a small group. Should you ever need to present a Bible Study to your small group, having this practice in your pocket will hold you in good stead every time!


Around the Word is a tool that allows us to take steps, surrendering our own voice and listening instead to God through His Word. We're here to seek God's face, just as He tells us to. In this practice, we are not adding to God's Word or expecting Him to say something He's not already said in His Word, but instead giving God our full attention (as much as we are able to do that) and setting aside the distractions that badger us all day long. Around the Word is an exercise in listening, with our mouths closed and our hearts open.

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Around the Word Carolyn Bira.JPEG

Examples of time spent with the monthly FREE Around the Word event. Showing the response pages, and Names of God Versicle pages. And writing God's Word in a Journal. No supplies needed - paper, pen, maybe markers!

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