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Community Workshops

Each quarter, VFM holds a Community Workshop on a Saturday. This two-hour event focuses on a project or series and is intended to help you prepare to engage in a visual faith practice(s) with our community! These resources and a recording of the Saturday event are available for purchase! It's never to late to learn something/try something new!


Procreate 101

This resource includes the instructions and a link to the 2-hr pre-recorded teaching video. Note: An Apple iPad and Apple Pencil are needed for this workshop as well as the Procreate program for the iPad. You will also receive a link to a Dropbox folder with a png file and swatches file for your iPad.

Mailbox Blessings

This is a Make-It/Take-It/Use-It workshop! In this workshop, we create themed Faithmail, hand-made envelopes, prayer postcards, and greeting cards. Participants will complete several projects that will immediately add blessings to the mailboxes of those who need to be lifted up.


Let's create for the Creator!


Watercolor Workshop

In this workshop, you will learn basic brush strokes, paint/water tips, and lettering in this workshop with Michele Bowden. The LIVE Zoom video was recorded 2/24/24 and is available for purchase as a pre-recorded video. All instructions, supply list, resources, and video link are provided with the purchase.

Bible Journaling 101


Interested in learning how to begin and what supplies you need to begin Bible Journaling? This 2 1/2 hour recorded session includes information like: what types of Bibles there are and which should I use? What are the best pens/pencils that won't bleed through my Bible pages? I love ephemera, but what type of paper do I print on? I am a mixed media artist, how do I incorporate that into my Bible pages? The handout includes Bible journaling projects for Psalm 51:10, Colossians 2:6-7, and Luke 12:32. You will learn about different ways to reflect and respond in your Bible. 


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Way to Life Workshop

Prepare for summer rhythms with the Way To Life Series from Visual Faith® Ministry!

The Way to Life series is a Bible-based (as are all our resources) event that deals with the Life that has been given us by our amazing God, both as our Creator and Author of our eternity with Him through Jesus Christ.


The Way to Life series starts with 30 Bible verses focusing on the theme "Life" and provides lots of ways to study and apply God's Word. This Video event was aimed at using the Way to Life Ephemera kit to get ready to do this study during the summer. For two hours we demonstrated how to use the Ephemera kit to make individual Bible verse cards that you can write your notes on the back, or use the pages in the kit to create a mini treasure journal. You could also use the ephemera kit in a regular notebook, a planner, or manila tags. Check out all the additional Way to Life resources and choose the ones that best fit your devotional practices! This LIVE Zoom video was recorded 5/13/23 and is available for purchase as a pre-recorded video. All instructions and resources are included with the purchase.

Names of God Faithart Journal Workshop

VFM's theme for 2023 was the Names of God. We explored a different Name of God monthly in our Scripture Scribing practice and our monthly devotion.  In addition, many visual faith practitioners have joined the Logos365 practice of living a word for the year. We demonstrate how you can create a container - a faithart journal - that will hold your visual faith practices in one place. This workshop consists of a pre-recorded video and 3 of our Names of God collections. Included are directions to create a personalized journal cover and inserts to hold all of your Names of God Monthly Scripture Scribing, Logos365, gratitude journal, daily prayer paths, and other visual faith practices. This LIVE Zoom video was recorded 1/14/23 in a special FaceBook group, and is available for purchase as a pre-recorded video.  All instructions and resources will be sent in an email after your purchase.   

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