About Us
Visual Faith® Ministry is the endeavor of Connie Denninger and Pat Maier to create an online collaborative center that brings together free visual faith tools and resources with practitioners discipled as coaches for others. The Visual Faith® Ministry Facebook community gathers people in community and encourages the sharing of materials and resources in the FILES section in the Facebook group. They enjoy leading retreats, workshops, and participating in many places of encouragement for Visual Faith® Ministry practitioners. The expanding creative endeavors continue to ignite their passion to lift up, connect, and equip laypeople and professional church workers to serve using visual faith processes.

Visual faith documents time with God through visual and kinesthetic processes that help us remember His Word and serve as reminders of God’s presence in our lives. We are all made in the image of a creative God, and visual faith is an invitation to slow down and creatively connect the story of God’s interaction in our lives, and record His faithfulness in our life story, which then equips us with a faith story to tell others about a God who cares and loves us all!
Every process brings together prayer with the reading and reflection of God’s Word in a way that is unique for each person. It includes many processes such as Bible journaling, visual prayer/prayer spaces, Scripture Scribing, Devotional processing, Visual Church Year/Worship Into the Week processes, Logos365, Around the Word events, as well as visual faith projects and other visual and creative practices. These “hands-on” processes become “faith tools” that, for many, prove significant to bring focus and help with paying attention and dealing with the distractions of our noisy, busy, media-driven lives.
Interested in seeing an overview of our Shoppe Resources?
From the video, here is a printable of the Where Do I Begin? for your use.